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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Eden Rafuse

Scent Scape

Mixed Media
Variety of kitchen and medicinal herbs
30" x 24 "
Turning the conventions of a landscape painting on it's head: Rafuse creates a landscape composition through scent associations of herbs rather than colour. Herbs are stuffed into pockets sewn into a tulle fabric mimicking a large rectangular tea bag.

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Scent Scape
Scent Scape
Scent Scape
Scent Scape
Scent Scape
Scent Scape

Work by

Eden Rafuse

Drawing, Painting and Animation

“A Drawing and Painting Graduate who has dipped their toe in every medium pond. Expanding into 2D Stop Motion Animation. Eden's favorite mediums are cut paper, paint, plant materials and anything with...” [More]