Yi-Jen Lee
Yang Guan
Ink stick and ink on rice paper
24 x 47 inches
Freely expression of ink on rice paper along with Chinese poetry, "A Song in the Name the Town of Wei", creates a spiritual place that allows me to travel through my artwork. I bring myself into a place named Yang Guan which I travel before. Yang Guan is a border pass and an important road link between the eastern and western world for thousands of years. I learn this Chinese poem at a young age and finally get a chance to see the actual place where the poet wrote this poem after saying goodbye to his friend. 渭城曲:渭城朝雨浥輕塵,客舍青青柳色新。勸君更盡一杯酒,西出陽關無故人。- 王維 (699 AD-761 AD)English translation of "A Song in the Name the Town of Wei":A morning drizzle in the Town of Wei light dust on the ground wets,Outside the hostel, willows grow green and fresh.Bidding you farewell, I'd like to offer you one more toast,For the west of the Yang Gate, you won't come across any old friend.- Wang Wei (699 AD-761 AD)

Work by
Yi-Jen Lee
“ During the pandemic, I tend to look back to the past and hold onto the experiences that will shape myself and the future. This process of haunting memories helps me to be more appreciative of...” [More]