Chris Canales-Cisneros


Wood, LEDs, And Film Negatives
Kinetic Film Light Sculpture

“The art industry has achieved the ability to render all art materials archival; from the paper to the markers we use, they provide assurance that our creations will survive us. I often find myself moving in the opposite direction through the methodology of decreation, giving new meaning to matter through their desecration. With this project, I aim to exploit the vulnerability of film negatives by creating a kinetic sculpture that allows the audience to view the negative while actively contributing to its disintegration. The Sculpture will be comprised of two main components a log box that houses the film negatives and a box that houses the mechanical components. This component will move a series of LED lights up and down, allowing the negatives to be visible but slowly deteriorating them. This device rejects the nostalgic/romantic notions often associated with the film medium; instead of an intent to preserve the captured moments, the contraption operates to abolish their existence. ”

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Work by

Chris Canales-Cisneros

Drawing and Painting

“My multidisciplinary approach is rooted in the practice of decreation. I burn documents and materials that are representative of homophobic ideologies and use the resulting ashes as pigment for oil...” [More]