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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Diana Kiaee

Moth Memorial

Beads, Metal Wire, Chains
Black: 5 x 20 in White: 3 x 24 in
Full Scale and Detail Shots

“The memory concludes with three chained wire mobile sculptures that act as a memorial for not only the moth, but also the butterfly-chasing ritual of my childhood. The translucent beads used in these sculptures are meant to imitate the reflective scales on the wings of lepidopterans; scales that upon the slightest contact, fall off to resemble what seems to be mere dust. These rows of sculptures are also positioned to shimmer under the light; a light that the moth would otherwise be inclined to chase on its own. ”

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Moth Memorial
Moth Memorial
Moth Memorial
Moth Memorial
Moth Memorial
Moth Memorial

Work by

Diana Kiaee


“A fragmented memory of a childhood ritual; one only as ephemeral as the lepidopteran forms it is depicted as, and only as tangible as patches, ink, wire, beads, and chains.”