Graduate Studies
Interdisciplinary Master's in Art, Media and Design (MA, MDes and MFA)
Isaac King
Inbetweening Beings
4 projectors, 3 speakers, A Manitoba maple tree, phragmites reeds, tires, an oil drum, artificial grass, a traffic sign and a traffic cone.
15 x 20 feet
80000 (CAD)
Contact Exhibitor
Inbetweening Beings is an immersive animated installation. An array of artificial and natural objects conceal projectors and speakers that invite and implicate viewers into ecology. On different surfaces, 8 related stories are projected: WARNING SIGN, FOOTSTEPS, BIRDWATCHING, BURDOCK GOLFER, INCHWORM, DETERIORATE = REDO, ITERATE, BEAVER BLOCKADE, and RETURNING.
“Inbetweening Beings uses the increments of animation to examine ecology in the Anthropocene. Experimenting with frame-by-frame filmmaking, installation, and the materiality of landscape, a variety of living systems are projected, asking where and how humans fit in. The installation connects human and more-than-human life with light and shadow, inviting reflection and implication. Focusing on urban and human-disturbed landscapes, Inbetweening Beings suggests a distinctly anthropogenic “nature” – jumbled, entangled, polluted, and resilient.”
Celebrate the work of OCAD U’s class of 2021/2022!