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Faculty of Design


Dylan Tan

05. A Royal Pain

Adobe Photoshop
16" x 9" in.
A local hero regularly comes to the rescue to help save an unusual damsel in the tower. A Royal Pain explores the damsel in distress cliche by addressing how virtuous acts of helping women in need are simply rewards for a male protagonist. The protagnist reacts to their cliched reality in irritation, as their duty involves the caretaking of a more mischievious princess.

“The princess needs saving once again; a new diaper, a bath, and something for that terrible smoky breath.”

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A Royal Pain
A Royal Pain

Work by

Dylan Tan aka. Kweikun


“Déjà Vu deconstructs the consequences of overutilized cliches in storytelling media by illustrating self-aware characters that react to their own cliched realities. These subversions hope to...” [More]