Fiona Enright

Positions 1-3.

Mixed Media
Ink, marker, and collage on paper
"By squashing competition and gathering the most data, and thus providing the most convenient user experience, monopoly platforms make it difficult for a user to switch to an alternative platform. A privacy-conscious user is met with the choice to use less convenient platforms with smaller data-pools or undergo a radical severance from monopoly platforms (Webb, Maureen. Coding Democracy: How Hackers Are Disrupting Power, Surveillance, and Authoritarianism. The MIT Press. 2020. Print. Pg. 190)." - Fiona Enright. The Human Element: Information, Knowledge and Art in the Digital Episteme. 2021.

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Positions 1-3.
Positions 1-3.

Work by

Fiona Enright

Drawing, collage, sculpture

“Virtually every facet of academic, professional, and personal life in modern times is affected by or contained within algorithms. Algorithms, a set of rules that dictate the form and function of...” [More]