Tyler Burey

Identity in Hindsight

Oil on Laser cut Plexiglass
Identity in Hindsight

“Part of a body of work utilizing laser cut plexiglass, "Identity In Hindsight" explores notions of an ever evolving sense of self. Looking back on past versions of identity and considering where that has led to. Through life we evolve from a multitude of experiences and go through phases of differing expression. All of these past aspects contribute to the present. All whole and authentic, each contributing its own piece to create a larger more complex identity and expression”

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Identity in Hindsight
Identity in Hindsight
2023, Grad Ex
OCAD University

Work by

Tyler Burey

Drawing and Painting

“A being in a state of flux is always becoming, never fully arrived. Am I reaching for a state of perfection or just a state of understanding?...” [More]