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Faculty of Design


Alice Sharivker

Sims 2

10" x 20"
Sims 2:When I was young, I used to watch my older sister play the game "Sims 2" on her old chunky computer. Though she wasn't very interested in teaching me how to play at first, she slowly warmed up to the idea and sat me down in her chair to teach me how to play. Years went by, and slowly I started to play on my own. Now to this day, we will walk in on each other playing a new save file on the sims to relieve our stress. When I play this game I imagine that I am still seven years old and my sister is fourteen.

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Sims 2
Sims 2

Work by

Alice Sharivker


“Through a series of illustrations utilizing experimental media, the viewer will be presented with nostalgic objects and moments of life to home to the popular phrase “to be loved is to be changed. It...” [More]