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Faculty of Design


Ashley Kim

Submerged in Purity

The concept revolves around the juxtaposition of purity symbolized by milk and the human form, creating a harmonious interplay between the two elements. The bathtub filled with white milk is an embodiment of purity in its simplest form. The models are immersed in the milk-filled bathtub, embodying purity both in their physical presence and in their calm expressions. The camera captures moments of vulnerability and intimacy as the models surrender themselves to the purity of the milk that surrounds them. The milk becomes a conduit for self-reflection, a symbol of purity that transcends the physical realm and touches the depths of the soul.

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Submerged in Purity
Submerged in Purity
Submerged in Purity
Submerged in Purity
Submerged in Purity
Submerged in Purity
Submerged in Purity
Submerged in Purity
Submerged in Purity
Submerged in Purity
Submerged in Purity
Submerged in Purity
Submerged in Purity
Submerged in Purity
Submerged in Purity
Submerged in Purity

Work by

Ashley Kim

“Hello, I'm Ashley, an international student from Korea, with a passion for creativity. I continue to push the boundaries of creativity, weaving my experiences from Korea, Japan, and Ottawa into a...” [More]