Ana Luisa Bernárdez Notz

Cuerpos de Agua ~ Bodies of Water

Cyanotypes, video projection and digitized VHS tapes.
BFA thesis body of work, exhibited at Sur Gallery as part of the exhibition "Making Spaces", curated by Karina Roman Justo.

“"Cuerpos de Agua ~ Bodies of Water" explores body-land relationships, focusing on my experience as an uprooted body. The installation, encompassing video performance, sound, photography and textiles, examines what my body has gone through and how its ties to a specific territory are transformed by migration. Having grown up in Venezuela, the landscape in which I feel most at home is the Venezuelan-Caribbean coastline and the liminal space of its beaches. All of the works in the installation depict this space, or were materially produced there. When I am away from it, the tie that binds my body with the land is not broken, but rather transformed and reconfigured. I point to this figure-ground connection through both the physicality of the work and the specific environment in which it was created: the videos depict it, and the cyanotypes are material results of interactions between my body, photographic chemicals and the sun, ocean, salt and sand.

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Cuerpos de Agua ~ Bodies of Water
Cuerpos de Agua ~ Bodies of Water
Cuerpos de Agua ~ Bodies of Water
Cuerpos de Agua ~ Bodies of Water
Cuerpos de Agua ~ Bodies of Water
Cuerpos de Agua ~ Bodies of Water
Cuerpos de Agua ~ Bodies of Water
Cuerpos de Agua ~ Bodies of Water
2020, Making Spaces, curated by Karina Roman Justo
Sur Gallery
2020, Photography Medal Winner
OCAD University

Work by

Ana Luisa Bernárdez Notz

Interdisciplinary Artist