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Faculty of Design


Mark Krzepis

Bonaparte’s Filter Cigarettes

Acrylic gouache, coloured pencils and graphite on wood panel
A cigarette advertisement based on David’s “Napoleon Crossing the Alps”

“By merging Jacques-Louis David’s painting of Napoleon crossing the Alps with the Marlboro man, this painting calls into question ideas of “coolness” and masculinity. The bravado found in David’s painting is carried on in many cowboy related ephemera: harmful ideas packaged into epic imagery. The motif of a man on a horse is hyperbolic enough to make you serve your emperor or serve big tobacco — I think Ken said it best in the Barbie movie.”

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Bonaparte’s Filter Cigarettes
Bonaparte’s Filter Cigarettes

Work by

Mark Krzepis aka. Krzepism


“'PVLPIT' takes motifs from Neoclassical paintings and transforms them into pieces of ephemeral lowbrow illustration. Each work focuses on conventions that both high and low art exploit to reveal a...” [More]