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Faculty of Design

Graphic Design

Olivia Pasian

Rubber Band Art

Digital Media
I created this website for my thesis project, "Designing A New Web", for which I worked on several websites around the idea of designing my own version of the web with the goals of collaboration, community, creativity, and craft. This website was built and designed from scratch by me, using Javascript (p5.js), HTML, CSS.This website was inspired by rainbow looms and rubber band peg board art. It is a collaborative drawing board where you can use "bands" to create abstract shape artwork. You can use different colours and choose whether or not to fill in each shape you make, then when you finish a shape, your addition is permanently added to the website. The result and hope for the website is to encourage collaboration through the web and spark creativity in a fun way. You can work together with friends to draw or make your own mark on the collaborative board, or you can alter the shapes that already exist on the webpage. Check out the website here:

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Rubber Band Art
Rubber Band Art
Rubber Band Art
Rubber Band Art

Work by

Olivia Pasian

Graphic Design

“Designer with an interest in web design, interaction design, illustration, and plants.”