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Faculty of Design

Environmental Design

Kinza Khan

The Third Place: Physical Model

Environmental Design
Cardboard, Wood, Thread, Napkin
24" x 20"
Delving into the exploration of the "third place" within this physical model, constructed from sustainable materials like cardboard, wood, napkins, and threads, we encounter a representation of the essence of a mother tree. The combination of these materials allows for a multifaceted representation, embodying both the solidity and the interconnectedness inherent in nature.

“The cardboard provides a lightweight yet sturdy base, while the napkins adds a sense of warmth and organic texture. Together, they form a structure that is both resilient and inviting.”

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The Third Place: Physical Model
The Third Place: Physical Model
The Third Place: Physical Model
The Third Place: Physical Model
The Third Place: Physical Model
The Third Place: Physical Model
The Third Place: Physical Model
The Third Place: Physical Model
The Third Place: Physical Model
The Third Place: Physical Model
The Third Place: Physical Model
The Third Place: Physical Model
The Third Place: Physical Model
The Third Place: Physical Model
The Third Place: Physical Model
The Third Place: Physical Model

Work by

Kinza Khan aka. Kinza

Environmental Design

“I aspire to envision vibrant communities where people naturally connect and thrive. For architecture holds the power to nurture the human spirit and shape the fabric of society.”