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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Isaak Fong

To-Wu-Wei & Back-To-Wai

Scrolling of the Scroll on May 2nd, in collaboration with my Father Andrew Fong.(in the photo, left to right: Jake Santos, Ethan Yoshitomo, who performed with me the Scrolling of the Scroll #1)

“As a liberatory act of reclamation and cultural/ancestral respect, I have created a text following the calligraphic writing of my grandfather’s workbook translations from English to Chinese, to be performed through the scrolling of a large rice paper scroll. The action of scrolling west to east, east to west, left to right, and right to left is done in trust and collaboration with members of my community to balance, hold, and unravel the contents of the text as a live(d) ongoing history (because to me, all (his)-story is family history). ”

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To-Wu-Wei & Back-To-Wai
To-Wu-Wei & Back-To-Wai
To-Wu-Wei & Back-To-Wai
To-Wu-Wei & Back-To-Wai
2024, GRADEX 109
OCAD University

Work by

Isaak Fong


“I use performance and instinct to facilitate my desire for ancestral communication and to connect with family after death. ...” [More]