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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Isaak Fong

steps to Yü

Snow Shovel, Blanket, Radio, Duck Whistle, Paper Ducks
7 minute performance for LEGS Toronto 2023 Performed with the help of: Willem Elbel and Ife X Photo Credit: Henry Chan

“Inspired by the Steps of Yü and stories of Yü The Great's triumph over the flood. Score:* Static Radio pushed out towards the crowd (like the sound of a blizzard) * Steps* at 6min 45sec smells like teen spirit plays as alarm from phone * Pull out Duck whistle, Origami Ducks are thrown by roommates from 4th floor balcony ”

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steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
steps to Yü
2023, LEGS
OCAD University, Great Hall

Work by

Isaak Fong


“I use performance and instinct to facilitate my desire for ancestral communication and to connect with family after death. ...” [More]