Faculty of Art
Drawing and Painting
Isaak Fong
steps to Yü
Snow Shovel, Blanket, Radio, Duck Whistle, Paper Ducks
7 minute performance for LEGS Toronto 2023 Performed with the help of: Willem Elbel and Ife X Photo Credit: Henry Chan
“Inspired by the Steps of Yü and stories of Yü The Great's triumph over the flood. Score:* Static Radio pushed out towards the crowd (like the sound of a blizzard) * Steps* at 6min 45sec smells like teen spirit plays as alarm from phone * Pull out Duck whistle, Origami Ducks are thrown by roommates from 4th floor balcony ”
Work by
Isaak Fong
“I use performance and instinct to facilitate my desire for ancestral communication and to connect with family after death. ...” [More]
Celebrate the work of OCAD U’s class of 2023/2024!