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Faculty of Design


Neon Anthony

Ame no Uzume - Dawn's Dance

Ame dancing before the Rasu company logo. Helping to bring forth a dawn of prosperity to the company.

“As Ame in the Shinto lore as the bringer of dawn, I wanted to depict her as dancing in front of the company logo, an upside down sun. Having her wear a sort of deconstructed kimono with fans. She is also a bit more built in the upper body as she is Amaterasu's right hand/body guard. Also having her utilize holographic arms which she uses to dance and fight. Having her dancing pose be carefree as I made her look younger than the rest of the gods, which can add to the unsettling nature that she is an oligarchs main assistant.”

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Ame no Uzume - Dawn's Dance
Ame no Uzume - Dawn's Dance

Work by

Neon Anthony aka. Kindleddawn

Concept Artist | Illustrator

“Sunrise takes Japanese gods and puts them in a futuristic/cyberpunk setting, using their personalities and stories to convey them in concept art.”