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Weikang Huo

Urban Wild Echoes

Environmental Design
Building residential areas that coexist harmoniously with wild animals (Design of Action and Inaction)

“A concept from Zen suggests that when we see ourselves as a flower, a tree, or a stone in a garden, we begin to cherish, learn from, and appreciate everything in the garden. The notion of equality of all life doesn't mean granting animals the same rights as humans, but rather understanding that when we face to nature, we are all part of it and are equally affected by the environment's bounties and challenges.Nowadays, people accustomed to the fast-paced urban life and learning through screens may struggle to develop a lasting love for nature and life. Surrounded by cities, we are losing our ability to resonate with nature. Integrating the natural world into our lives, letting people experience vitality, death, compassion, change, recovery, reincarnation, peace, etc. through nature, encourages them to put down their phones, turn off their computers, and re-engage with the life that nature offers.This project explores a sustainable residential design that encourages human-wildlife coexistence and values biodiversity in urban areas. It integrates natural habitats coexist living spaces, offering benefits to both humans and wildlife. This approach enhances urban life with nature's therapeutic presence and maintains a balanced ecosystem. The goal is to redefine urban spaces, creating harmonious, sustainable, and lively environments, transforming cities into vibrant ecosystems rather than dense concrete jungles.

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Urban Wild Echoes
Urban Wild Echoes
Urban Wild Echoes
Urban Wild Echoes
Urban Wild Echoes
Urban Wild Echoes
Urban Wild Echoes
Urban Wild Echoes
Urban Wild Echoes
Urban Wild Echoes

Work by

Weikang Huo aka. Larry

“Designer, illustrator, athlete and coach—each role I embrace. Shaped by both Eastern and Western cultures, I am a mosaic of diverse identities.”