Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Fiona Enright

Bayes Theorem -> Naive Bayes

Ink and graphite on paper
20 cm x 30 cm
"The oldest method applied in uncertain reasoning is probability theory. Probabilistic reasoning concentrates basically on computing the posterior probability of the variables of interest given the available evidence. In medicine, for example, the evidence consists of symptoms, signs, clinical history, and laboratory tests. A diagnostician may be interested in the probability that a patient suffers from a certain disease. In mineral prospecting, we may wish to know the posterior probability of the presence of a certain deposit given a set of geological findings. In computer vision, we might be interested in the probability that a certain object is present in an image given observation of certain shapes or shadows."Díez, F. J., & Druzdzel, M. J. (2005). Reasoning under uncertainty. In L. Nadel, Encyclopedia of cognitive science. Wiley. Credo Reference: http://ocadu.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://search.credoreference.com/content/entry/wileycs/reasoning_under_uncertainty/0?institutionId=4079

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Bayes Theorem -> Naive Bayes
Bayes Theorem -> Naive Bayes

Work by

Fiona Enright

Drawing, collage, sculpture

“Virtually every facet of academic, professional, and personal life in modern times is affected by or contained within algorithms. Algorithms, a set of rules that dictate the form and function of...” [More]