Faculty of Art
Drawing and Painting
Drawing, collage, sculpture
“Virtually every facet of academic, professional, and personal life in modern times is affected by or contained within algorithms. Algorithms, a set of rules that dictate the form and function of machines, are credited with life-saving technological advances and morally-bankrupt exploitation of private data alike. But the individuals, organizations, desires, and beliefs that inform algorithm’s design and use are often unacknowledged.My drawing and sculpture-based information behaviour study demystifies and critiques algorithms. It analyses how algorithms and its appropriators have and will affect information behaviour in the digital sphere. These works translate data visualizations, such as converting scientific diagrams into mutated, organic forms, to illuminate the technical and experiential aspects of algorithm-based information behaviour.Researching and writing my thesis research paper The Human Element: Information, Knowledge, and Art in the Digital Episteme (available as a PDF upon request) played an integral role in the development and creation of my drawings. This paper provides the theoretical framework for the drawings and sculptures, and the drawings and sculptures provide visual reference points for the readers of my paper. Using research from information science, cognitive science, political science, history, art theory, and contemporary artists, my paper and drawings provide an interdisciplinary approach to examining how information is accessed and utilized in the information age. Through my thesis, drawing is presented as a viable and effective means to understanding the complex socio-political relationships and beliefs embedded in the algorithms that dictate everyday life.This thesis is the first step in my endeavour to facilitate increased contact between the art world and the above-mentioned disciplines. Integrating art into these disciplines is beneficial to both artists and non-artist researchers as it facilitates the sharing of new perspectives and ideas.”

Fiona Enright is an interdisciplinary artist and researcher active in Toronto and Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. While completing her BFA at OCAD U in Drawing and Painting, she worked as a student monitor at the Dorothy H. Hoover Library. She intends to pursue graduate studies in Information Science wherein her research will present art, particularly drawing, as a viable and effective tool for information behaviour research. Enright's work engages with historical and contemporary research in information science, art theory, philosophy, computer science, cognitive science and data visualization.

“Eat this Scroll,” So I Opened My Mouth and He Caused Me to Eat that Scroll.
Contemporary Techniques of Handwriting Recognition
Epistemological Study of Algorithms; Digital Episteme
Fragments of Speech Recognition Algorithms Research
Mixed Media
Human Element/ (Info-Seeking) Emotion -> Profit
Mixed Media
If You Don’t Sound Like a Native Speaker, the Phone Will Not Recognize You
Meditation on Contemporary and Historical Information Systems; Lessons from the Atomic Age.
Mixed Media
The Garden of Gethsemane (Mechanical/Digital Innocence)
The Human Element; Bayesian Sentiment Analysis
The Martyrdom of Aaron Swartz; Civil Disobedience.