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Faculty of Design


Cristian Chiappetta

Wandering Giant

11.75" x 11.75"
A giant amalgamation of junk slowly wanders the earth, collecting long forgotten material possessions, trying to fill the void left within itself after it's lost the thinly veiled meaning humans once gave it.

“'Wandering Giant" Asks the question of what happens to consumerism and material possession after it's lost the meaning humans give it. We seemingly fill the earth with junk, constantly replacing things when they get old, but what purpose does it hold after this? Having gained it's own sentience, these discarded objects find themselves constantly searching for what will make them complete. Consumerism without the consumer, materialism with only the materials remaining. ”

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Wandering Giant
Wandering Giant

Work by

Cristian Chiappetta

Illustrator, Animator, Character Designer

““One Man’s Trash” explores the perspective of an hypothetical ecosystem of small creatures burdened with the remnants of our society, attempting to co-exist and survive with what’s been left behind,...” [More]