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Faculty of Design

Graphic Design

Xinyi Mao

The Man Who Fell to Earth

Paper packaging, card, digital illustrations
Illustration fiction image design for people with facial and physical disabilities.cupcake packaginggame card design"We are human, and we need respect."

“People with facial and physical disabilities are often seen as a more visible group in society because of their different physical appearance. Especially for yonge kids, people with facial and physical disabilities often attract attention and may behave in ways that unconsciously harm the dignity of people with facial disabilities. This project selected six types of facial and physical disabilities that would attract attention: facial tumors, hirsutism, leukoplakia, albinism, ichthyosis, and dwarfism. And visualize the people with these six conditions as illustrated images of elves or gods (not from earth) that are acceptable to children or adults. And conceived a mythological story source for each of these six types of diseases. In response to one quote "The Angel fall to the earth". The first purpose is to make people more familiar with these diseases, so that they will not feel strange and act disrespectfully in the future. Secondly, in order to let people, especially children, familiar with these diseases in advance, can give a little more respect to people with facial disabilities.

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The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth
The Man Who Fell to Earth

Work by

Xinyi Mao

Graphic Design & Illustration

“A graphic in study designer who loves to draw illustrations. Strive to become a free, progressive, independent and personalized designer.Turn Your Frown Upside Down :)”