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Faculty of Arts & Science

Digital Futures

Anas Raza


Interference is an interactive installation inspired by an interactive Hakanaï performance. The piece tries to capture the phenomenon of interference or Electromagnetic Interference (EMI). In the natural world, the EMIs have been present throughout the evolution of life on earth and existed in harmony while benefiting the natural world. However, the man-made interference caused by man-made devices creates an electromagnetic disturbance, and this disturbance alters the natural world. Several reports explain how EMF of telecommunication and electric cable deployment in coastal waters negatively changes marine life behaviour.

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Work by

Anas Raza

Experience Designer

“Hi, I’m Anas Raza, an interdisciplinary designer based in Toronto, Canada. My work spans the fields of physical computing, wearable electronics, web interfaces and immersive VR experiences. I have...” [More]