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Faculty of Design

Industrial Design


FAMI:Solution of family equality

Digital Media
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00:01:53 [hh:mm:ss]
According to my research, I find that stay-at-home moms and dads are the world's most strenuous type of work, year-round, too busy to be sick or lazy, but they are often considered "unproductive".So I decided to create a service called FAMI for people whose main occupation is caring for their family to discover their value and gain the respect of others.This is software that advocates the sharing of household chores among family members. It is used as a family unit. By calculating income so that family members can see how much money stay-at-home mom\dads saves for the family. Show their contribution and their productivity by showing the revenue of stay-at-home moms\dads. This allows them to be respected and to gain equal status in the family.

“Inspiration:I was inspired by my aunt's family, my aunt is a housewife from China and she takes care of all the household chores. My aunt is a housewife from China who takes care of all the household chores. My uncle works all the time and my aunt is responsible for taking care of the three children. As a housewife, she hardly had any time off, but she always lacked the respect of her family members.Product Features:Plan your schedule with your partner!FAMI has created an option for you and your family to share chores together, in which you can discuss and then create a family schedule with your family members and receive notifications.Record your family's contribution!FAMI will record your contributions when you start a new task and convert them into income. This allows stay-at-home moms and dads to make their contributions count!Brand Goal:Dedicated to creating and maintaining equal family relationships where Stay-at-home moms and dads are treated with respect.Future:Partner with smart home brands to plan chore time more intelligently and showcase the contributions of Stay-at-home moms and dads.

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FAMI:Solution of family equality
FAMI:Solution of family equality
FAMI:Solution of family equality
FAMI:Solution of family equality
FAMI:Solution of family equality
FAMI:Solution of family equality
FAMI:Solution of family equality
FAMI:Solution of family equality
FAMI:Solution of family equality
FAMI:Solution of family equality
FAMI:Solution of family equality
FAMI:Solution of family equality
FAMI:Solution of family equality
FAMI:Solution of family equality

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Industrial Design

“There is a group of people in the world called Stay-at-home moms and dads who lack the security of the social system and endure more than their fair share of prejudice. Stay-at-home moms and dads are...” [More]