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Faculty of Design

Graphic Design

Xinyi Mao

Yunnan Four Oddities

Graphic Design
paper zine, digital illustrations
Role as tourism promotion :Hometown-Yunnan China, Illustrations, and Zines

“This project is a design for hometown tourism promotion zine, consisting of both illustration and graphic typography. Yunnan is my hometown, it is the most "strange" and mysterious place in China. It is filled with many natural mysteries that are difficult to solve. Many famous fiction, fantasy or horror movies and novels are based on Yunnan because the place is so bizarre. For example, the birthplace of Mothra in the movie "Godzilla", Xishuangbanna Yunnan;and the movie "Insect Valley Yunnan". This work will be done by drawing four of Yunnan's many quirks: animals, mushrooms, insects, and landscapes, and by detailing information about these four categories in an unrestricted typographic format for those who want to visit, explore, and wonder about Yunnan. The choice of colors is also bright, close to the ethnic and exotic characteristics of Yunnan color. The illustrations here can also be used as silk bandana or to make patterns for clothes, mugs, bags, etc.”

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Yunnan Four Oddities
Yunnan Four Oddities
Yunnan Four Oddities
Yunnan Four Oddities
Yunnan Four Oddities
Yunnan Four Oddities
Yunnan Four Oddities
Yunnan Four Oddities
Yunnan Four Oddities
Yunnan Four Oddities
Yunnan Four Oddities
Yunnan Four Oddities
Yunnan Four Oddities
Yunnan Four Oddities
Yunnan Four Oddities
Yunnan Four Oddities
Yunnan Four Oddities
Yunnan Four Oddities
Yunnan Four Oddities
Yunnan Four Oddities

Work by

Xinyi Mao

Graphic Design & Illustration

“A graphic in study designer who loves to draw illustrations. Strive to become a free, progressive, independent and personalized designer.Turn Your Frown Upside Down :)”