Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Fiona Enright

The Martyrdom of Aaron Swartz I

Ink, marker, and pencil crayon on paper
30 cm x 20 cm
9780262301732: https://ocadu.summon.serialssolutions.com/#!/search?bookMark=eNpVzssKwjAQQNEICmrtP7h1UWgycZIsRXyB0I2uJUkniJZWHB-_r-DK-wGHOxb9tmupJ3JnbKlQQSkNqKHImS_lN7QStRuJrLpRO13ESMwTMUi-YcpF_3F_UiaO69VhuS321Wa3XOwLLxWoQtZzjCZJiFg7AkKLAI5IaW_cHFEHRFs7BcGVXkYdgg3Jp6BDAjIKIBOzn-v5Sm8-d82DT6-GQtdd-fT3Cx9CVTTH

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The Martyrdom of Aaron Swartz I
The Martyrdom of Aaron Swartz I

Work by

Fiona Enright

Drawing, collage, sculpture

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