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Faculty of Art

Experimental Animation

Paul Kim

well that sucks

1920px x 1080px
00:02:48 [hh:mm:ss]
A 2D animation about the struggles of social and daily life at school after the pandemic.

“Ever since the pandemic, everyone’s lives have changed in some way. For me it felt like all my motivation, my love for art and will to live was slowly fading away. The year Covid-19 began was also the year I was meant to graduate from high school and begin my studies at OCAD. I was robbed of some of the most important experiences of my life, that I will never get back and I’m sure many of the graduating students here will agree. The online schooling was a great start to my university experience but it wasn’t long before it started to feel isolating. By the time in-person classes began I was already accustomed to remote learning that I didn’t know what to do. This was the biggest transition I’ve ever been through. Other students have seemed to adapt quickly and find their friends and their people. Anyone else may have already accepted that they wouldn’t bother trying to pursue making relationships and focus solely on their studies. This was when my motivation and passion began to deplete. As the years went by my energy, my mental health and happiness were fading, which reflected badly on my grades and current relationships. University began to feel like a four year hell. So I stopped coming to school, I stopped trying to make relationships and I didn’t even bother to build any connections with professors or other staff at OCAD. This was what I wanted to showcase in this project. At first, I was certain I was not going to participate in Grad Ex, but I knew I needed to share this as a way of accepting what happened and bring myself closure.

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well that sucks
well that sucks

Work by

Paul Kim