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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Jennifer Reis

Bee on a Flower

Oil on wood
9" x 9"
"Bee on a Flower" is a zoomed-in perspective painting of a honeybee resting on a red flower, nestled amongst the lush green leaves. This piece invites viewers to take a moment to pause and reflect on the little things in life and to appreciate the impact even the minuscule things have one's perspective. The gentle nature of the honeybee reminds viewers to realize the importance of honesty and acceptance. The composition uses the wood slab well and resembles a magnifying glass observing the actions of the bee.

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Bee on a Flower
Bee on a Flower

Work by

Jennifer Reis


“Through my work, I aim to connect with the natural landscape, imitating the stillness and beauty around me. Through my use of unprimed collected wood as substrates, I add a sense of materiality to my...” [More]