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Faculty of Design

Environmental Design - Interior Design Specialization

Rachel Morris

7 - Thesis and Typology

Environmental Design
I intend to develop a cradle-to-cradle design formula that utilizes regenerative design to divert construction and demolition waste in renovations. As homeowners take steps to renovate inefficient and wasteful suburban houses into restorative homes, the living home will encourage homeowners to adopt self-sufficient habits such as food production, energy production, and on-site waste management.My typology is a formula that DIY homeowners can apply within the suburban GTA context to renovate their homes in a restorative way that limits C&D waste and encourages a low-waste lifestyle.

“Suburban houses must be re-designed so that renovations upcycle the building to become regenerative organisms. In the New Suburban Home, a dweller will adopt sustainable habits in response to the regenerative redesign.”

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Thesis Diagram
Thesis Diagram
2022, GradEx 107
OCAD University

Work by

Rachel Morris

Environmental Design: Interior Design Specialization

“Designing spaces that form symbiotic relationships between dweller and dwelling”