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Faculty of Design


Alice Sharivker

To Be Loved is to be Changed

Mixed Media
8" x 5.5"
To Be Loved is to be Changed:This is my sketchbook. Nothing more than that, it has all my work since October of 2023. However, I genuinely adore all of my sketchbooks, including this one. It has been wrinkled in my school bag, inadvertently left sitting in a pool of coffee, and even torn from unintentional sticker attachments. I used this notebook to write lecture notes, goofy feelings I experienced while riding the TTC, and ideas for future comics. Even though I first got it as a simple notebook from my local art supply store, it has so many memories of particular times in my life. Neither this sketchbook nor I are the same as we were in October. Because everything we experience in love always leads to change.

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To Be Loved is to be Changed
To Be Loved is to be Changed

Work by

Alice Sharivker


“Through a series of illustrations utilizing experimental media, the viewer will be presented with nostalgic objects and moments of life to home to the popular phrase “to be loved is to be changed. It...” [More]