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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Ivy Ha

Trapped within

Paper, yarn, pen, paper flowers
24 cm by 30 cm
This piece of art illustrates how I feel my creative vision and abilities are constrained. The concept was inspired by my artistic intuition, which limits my ability to explore ideas that I would like to develop but can't with the assignment at hand.

“ During my time in art school, I learned that the institution "kills" creative vision by requiring you to include conceptual ideas in each and every artwork you create. Burnout and a lack of desire to produce art are the outcomes of this.”

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Trapped within
Trapped within

Work by

Ivy Ha

“"It can be difficult to explore and determine which media you enjoy because of struggle, self-doubt, and a desire to move past what you have already learned. However, you might find something else at...” [More]