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Faculty of Design


Anh-Lin Lagace

Medusa's Retribution

Watercolour, Digital
11 x 14 in
Medusa's tale is widely spread as that of a vengeful woman cursed with ugliness, who turns her victims into stone when they peer into her eyes. The untold truth is that she was defiled by Poseidon in Athena's temple, an establishment celebrating virginity.Tales of sexual violence committed by Poseidon are not uncommon, and some historians believe he had over hundreds of sexual partners. In retaliation to the crimes committed in her temple, Athena cursed the mortal Medusa with snake hair and petrifying eyes. Some believe Medusa's true story is a representation of a rape victim villified by society, while others believe Athena gave Medusa the power to defend herself against future predators. It is important to note that Medusa's encounter was recorded by Ovid, a male writer.

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Medusa's Retribution
Medusa's Retribution

Work by

Anh-Lin Lagace aka. Mooka


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