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Faculty of Design


Meaghan Tarasick

The Spirit of the woods

(2 of 2) Surrounding the ruined city on all sides are strange standing stones; some upright, some fallen, some broken, some whole. The faeries do not touch them—they are sacred and meant only for the hands of the forest spirits—but some nights, the stones inexplicably start bleeding, dripping down the faces and forming strange symbols. It is said that during these nights, if one ventures deep into the forest to find a circle of standing stones, one may catch a glimpse of a woodland spirit. Whether the spirits look kindly on such visitors is still unknown.

“deep in the ancient forest the stones bleed red”

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Spirit of the woods
Spirit of the woods

Work by

Meaghan Tarasick aka. Nymika


“We are shaped by the stories we tell, and the memories that we leave behind.”