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Faculty of Art

Experimental Animation

Camille Ubay

In This City

Digital Painting
In This City, Digital Painting, 2023

“In this digital painting of a pair dancing on a city roof, I sought to capture the essence of the human spirit and the joy of connection through movement. For me, dancing is a celebration of life and the beauty that exists within it. Whether alone or with a partner, it allows us to connect with our bodies and with one another in a way that is both powerful and transformative. Through this digital painting, I hope to capture that spirit of connection and bring it to life in a way that inspires and uplifts the viewer.Ultimately, this piece acts as an homage to the human spirit and its capacity for joy, connection, and transformation, and a reminder that we are all capable of creating beauty and magic in our lives.”

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In This City
In This City

Work by

Camille Ubay


“Hi there! My name is Camille and I’m a multidisciplinary artist with a focus on animation, illustration, poetry and digital media....” [More]