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Ariana Di Sanzo


acrylic paint, paint markers, watercolour, gems on stretched canvas
30 inches by 40 inches
A portrayal of a current state of mind. Right place at the right time depicted with a reference to Alphonse Mucha art nouveau style.

“The fourth and final painting in a four part series, "222," delves into the themes of rebirth and growth as an individual enters a new chapter of their life. The artwork conveys a sense of tranquility, symbolizing a period of inner reflection and contemplation. The peaceful nature of the piece is evoked through its art nouveau style and a delicate pastel color palette, which imbue the work with a dreamlike quality. Despite this sense of calm, however, there is an eerie undertone to the painting that suggests a lingering weight of the past. This is emphasized by the central character's eyes, which convey a sense of intensity and depth that hint at the emotional baggage she carries with her. The viewer is left with the impression that the character is at peace with the past, but that it continues to influence her present and future. 222 offers a commentary on the cyclical nature of life, and the idea that growth and rebirth can only come after a period of reflection and contemplation. The painting suggests that while it may be possible to move on from the past, its impact on the individual is never truly erased.”

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Work by

Ariana Di Sanzo aka. LCVEUROPA

Mixed Media

“art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable”