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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Lee Reid

The battle over the Calasa bridge

Technical pens , Alcohol markers
7.5 x 10 in
The "Calasa bridge" is a small series of bridges for "Shibuyan" and "Octoo" people to traverse the land easier. It is the entrance of "Calasa city" which is located atop a large boulder and the rest of the city is inside of the boulder. This location is in the southwest close to the Tavol border. From both sides of the country "Bouy" the war rages as countries of "Tavol" and "Poi" seek to invade "Bouy" for any possible information they could have on the artifact known as the "Layule".

“This is one the first pieces i used colour cohesively with my black line to portray magic.”

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The battle over the Calasa bridge
The battle over the Calasa bridge

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Drawing and painting

“Lee Reid aka Bernobayobaylee is a artist who makes art that not only creates art to stimulate , emphasize and explore but develops conversations of internal psychological , anthropological, struggles...” [More]