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Faculty of Design


Neon Anthony

Tsukuyomi - The Nightsong

Tsukuyomi assassinating Amaterasu’s men, fighting the megacorporation “Rasu” hoping to bring hope to Sunrise city.

“Tsukuyomi in Shinto lore is the ex-husband of Amaterasu. I wanted to play with this making him a sort of vigilante in the universe. Taking down Amaterasu's men through force. Utilizing his nature from his lore as "someone who will break the rule to maintain them," showing him as someone who is willing to kill to take down this megacorporation. Sporting a body with hi-tech implants and modifications to go about this task.”

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Tsukuyomi - The Nightsong
Tsukuyomi - The Nightsong

Work by

Neon Anthony aka. Kindleddawn

Concept Artist | Illustrator

“Sunrise takes Japanese gods and puts them in a futuristic/cyberpunk setting, using their personalities and stories to convey them in concept art.”