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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Ivy Ha

Deceit of Invention

acrylic, wood, curtains
6ft x 6ft, 4ft x 6ft
My curiosity leads me to create an immersive atmosphere, combining contrasting colours, shape, and imaginative settings in my piece inspired by surreal elements of 2D and 3D forms while being placed in a stage setting. Curiosity leads to the construction of a retro-futuristic set that creates the illusion of an endless number of staircases leading in different directions.

“This piece was inspired by, among others, David Hockney, David Rockwell, and David Konris, who are well-known for their elaborate set designs for broadway plays and musicals. The colour scheme was inspired by the contrasting colour scheme of Tishk Barzanji’s pieces which supports the composition's use of complementary and contrasting tones. By exploring more deeply into the principles of art design through the use of forms, hues, and tones, the space can eventually evolve into its own entity. The piece's tone can evoke a surreal feeling due to the atmosphere created by the hue and tone variations.”

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Deceit of Invention
Deceit of Invention

Work by

Ivy Ha

“"It can be difficult to explore and determine which media you enjoy because of struggle, self-doubt, and a desire to move past what you have already learned. However, you might find something else at...” [More]