Tyler Burey

Explicit Invitations To Suggestion Of Self

Oil on Laser cut Plexiglass
Explicit Invitations To Suggestion Of Self

“Part of a body of work utilizing laser cut plexiglass. "Explicit Invitations To Suggestion Of Self" is an exploration of the multiplicity of a singular identity and change through movement. The image consists of several figures with a singular point of origin. Bold figures in states of movement and expression all vying for their space and acknowledgement. Their translucent nature causes an interaction between the states of being, creating a confusion of form and a disassociation from the figural aspects of the work one that slowly returns as the figures emanate outwardly.Utilizing abstracted figures as a a way of visualizing a distorted self perception, each figure is taking on its own unique form as they seek to express their own aspects of individuality. As a whole the figures work together to become a larger abstraction, creating a new expression from the combination of forms.”

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Explicit Invitations To Suggestion Of Self
Explicit Invitations To Suggestion Of Self
2023, Grad Ex
OCAD University

Work by

Tyler Burey

Drawing and Painting

“A being in a state of flux is always becoming, never fully arrived. Am I reaching for a state of perfection or just a state of understanding?...” [More]