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Faculty of Art

Experimental Animation

Megan Parker

Sweatsuit - WHITE

Screenprint on Fabric
Medium Size
My first attempt at printing on fabric, a side project I did over the semester, printing each project I did in the class on the sweatsuit then filling in the empty spaces with hand painted elements. Inspired by tattoos, an attempt to emulate the aesthetic of art on the body.

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"Sweatsuit - WHITE"
"Sweatsuit - WHITE"
"Sweatsuit - WHITE"
"Sweatsuit - WHITE"
"Sweatsuit - WHITE"
"Sweatsuit - WHITE"
"Sweatsuit - WHITE"
"Sweatsuit - WHITE"
"Sweatsuit - WHITE"
"Sweatsuit - WHITE"

Work by

Megan Parker aka. meog


“Animator by day, printmaker by night.”