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Faculty of Arts & Science

Digital Futures

Ziqi Guo

Sound Wave

This is an audio-visualization installation. The inspire of it is from Sol Lewitt’s wall drawing #95 where he used limited lines to create endless forms of art. It makes me believe that the constrained rules in an artwork could be a great starting point of creating endless and born variations. I then make this installation, the constraint is each fixed start and end point of each links and the number of the lines (80). The only variable would be the action of line moving pace and shapes. Those lines will wave based on the sound they “listened.” In my example, I made a gentle audio so the line would move like a flowing creek, that shape of moving enhance the topic of the song and my idea as it states the music in a special way.

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Sound Wave
Sound Wave

Work by

Ziqi Guo aka.

“My work is driven by a deep passion for exploring the intersection of art and design, and a desire to push the boundaries of what is possible through the power of imagination and ingenuity.”