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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Eden Rafuse

Tea Time Terrarium

Glass, Clay, Soil, Crystals, Moss, springtails and other organic matter found within soil.
5" x 4"
During the isolation of covid their was a renewed interest in interior design as people were forced to spend more time in their house. This piece is inspired by the idea of trying to foster a feeling of calmness and growth within a small space.

“This enclosed biome sits within a glass teapot and holds many crystals associated with personal growth, abundance, happiness and calmness. The biome is self-sufficient and only needs some additional water sprayed in once every few months”

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Tea Time Terrarium
Tea Time Terrarium

Work by

Eden Rafuse

Drawing, Painting and Animation

“A Drawing and Painting Graduate who has dipped their toe in every medium pond. Expanding into 2D Stop Motion Animation. Eden's favorite mediums are cut paper, paint, plant materials and anything with...” [More]