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Faculty of Design


Alice Sharivker

The Joy of Childhood Media

Digital Artwork
11" x 17 "
The Joy of Childhood Media:The internet was still an emerging thing for a lot of people, especially for younger audiences, so growing up in the early 2000's with this new technology was filled with different influences. Medias such as anime popstars, animated music videos, and even big videogame characters got my young artist brain going, which led me to wanting to become an artist. The pipeline of me drawing these cartoon characters from a young age, led me to finishing a design degree at OCAD. Though i've changed physically, my young artist heart is still the same from when I was young.

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The Joy of Childhood Media
The Joy of Childhood Media

Work by

Alice Sharivker


“Through a series of illustrations utilizing experimental media, the viewer will be presented with nostalgic objects and moments of life to home to the popular phrase “to be loved is to be changed. It...” [More]