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Faculty of Design


Alice Sharivker

Life Imitating Art

8.5" x 11"
Life Imitating Art: To sit, and appreciate the artwork in a gallery can be overwhelming, but for some, pretty underwhelming. This illustration depicts a young woman staring off into the distance, showing that the portrait beside her (based on the portrait “Young Woman (Melancholia)", c.a. 1833-1835, Théodore Chassériau), is doing the same action. Maybe they both are bored with the same thing. Or maybe that this girl is a reincarnation of the woman in the portrait. No one is really to know, but one thing is certain, they both seem bored at whatever they are doing.

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Life Imitating Art
Life Imitating Art

Work by

Alice Sharivker


“Through a series of illustrations utilizing experimental media, the viewer will be presented with nostalgic objects and moments of life to home to the popular phrase “to be loved is to be changed. It...” [More]