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Faculty of Design

Industrial Design

Samira Nassiri

Netflix+, Empowered Through Imagination

Industrial Design
The premise of this project seeks to revolutionize the streaming services industry, specifically Netflix by incorporating an AI engine that enable users to co-create and collaborate in the production of movies and shows, rather than just being passive consumers. This new approach allows for greater engagement and participation from users, giving them more control over the content they consume. This AI tool provides users with the ability to create movies and shows right from the comfort of their devices, with results that look just like Hollywood productions. The tool includes pre-built templates that users can use as a starting point for their project, providing them with a strong foundation to build upon. However, the platform doesn't just limit users to pre-built templates; they can also create and share templates from scratch, giving them complete control over the creative process. By enabling users to become active participants in content creation, Netflix can differentiate itself from other streaming services that only offer passive consumption. This new approach to content creation promises to increase engagement and retention among users, as they have a greater investment in the content they consume. The pre-built templates and AI-assisted production process also make content creation more accessible to a wider audience, allowing Netflix to tap into a broader talent pool for content creation.This innovative approach empowers users to take on a more active role in the entertainment industry and democratizes the creative process. The platform promises to open up new opportunities for content creation and foster a more inclusive and diverse entertainment landscape.

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Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
Empowered through imagination- Netflix+
2023, GradEx 108
OCAD University

Work by

Samira Nassiri

UX/UI design, Service design

“Design has the power to influence behavior and drive business success, but it takes empathy and understanding to create solutions that truly resonate with users.”