Gillian Wynn-Lawson

Constructing Closure

Salt prints, cut watercolour paper, matte self portrait, audio recording, smell of campfire
18x24'', 11x14''
In honour of Ryleigh P.

“This piece invites viewers to be part of a space for grief, loss, and the contemplation of death. Through use of scent, sound, light and shadow, viewers are invited into a personal, yet collective construction of loss. A collection of Saltprints, cut out and photographed by the artist. An installation using sound, light, and scent to create a sombre environment.

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Constructing Closure
Constructing Closure
Constructing Closure
Constructing Closure
Constructing Closure
Constructing Closure
Constructing Closure
Constructing Closure

Work by

Gillian Wynn-Lawson


“Who knew you could be a photographer without a camera? It is this notion that has propelled my creative practice beyond anything I could have envisioned when I first came to OCAD.”