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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Sarah Young


Oil on canvas
48 x 48 in.
Based off a found photo from my family's collection, this work highlights a moment of joy along with feelings of warmth and solitude.

“Without explicit narrative I distill the emotion contained within the image along with what I unconsciously ascribe to them. Not trying to prove or define their value, but rather have them be seen as I see them through painting. Like the palimpsest, once upon a time the pictures were produced, then buried, then rediscovered and remade, and the result becomes the fusion of the past and present. All becomes tangled into one. The paintings are extrapolations possessing a life span longer compared to the immediacy of the Polaroid, leaving the viewer with a sense of familiarity within an ongoing story of family and life. This series does not demand anything from you, rather offers a moment of comfort, reflection, or understanding.”

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Work by

Sarah Young

Drawing and Painting

“I work through the careful consideration of images as reference to create paintings that represent figures and objects signaling a longing for a sense of home, love, and belonging.”