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Ariana Di Sanzo


acrylic paint, watercolour, paint markers, glitter glue, glitter and gems on stretched canvas
30 inches by 40 inches
A warped mind trying to find its way home.

“The work XANAX will (not) SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS delves into a multitude of thought-provoking themes, such as identity, drug use, and the desire to escape reality. The imagery of the two figures whose faces are conjoined evokes a sense of merging and blurred boundaries, perhaps representing the dissolution of one's sense of self. The grid background adds another layer of complexity, seeming to engulf and absorb the characters, further emphasizing the loss of individuality.The vibrancy and saturation of the colors in the painting serve to heighten the sense of urgency and emotional intensity, juxtaposed against the cuts on the figures that suggest a more vulnerable and painful state.The painting can be seen as a commentary on the use of drugs as a means of escape from one's problems. The title itself suggests that Xanax, a prescription drug commonly used to treat anxiety and panic disorders, is not a solution to the complex issues facing the characters. Instead, the painting suggests that the use of drugs may ultimately lead to a loss of identity and a sense of being trapped.”

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Work by

Ariana Di Sanzo aka. LCVEUROPA

Mixed Media

“art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable”