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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Sydney Lad

I'm not afraid of outgrowing myself

Latex, mixed media
"Corporeal Transgressions" Sculpture

“I wear my clothes hard. I rip holes in the knees of my pants, fray the hems of my dresses, and sweat through the pits of my shirts. I wear the soles of my shoes down, my pinky toes poking through the side of my leather boots. I live in my clothes and then I outgrow them, but I’m not afraid of outgrowing myself. I will pull myself around me, calloused but soft, new but familiar, and make myself at home again. ”

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I'm not afraid of outgrowing myself
I'm not afraid of outgrowing myself
I'm not afraid of outgrowing myself
I'm not afraid of outgrowing myself
2024, Gradex

Work by

Sydney Lad

Drawing and Painting

“Exploring the absurdity of limitation and the joy in play and possibility, I create works that reflect the transformative experiences of the human body. Focusing on metamorphic processes of birth,...” [More]