Faculty of Art
Drawing and Painting
Anwyn Telford
Crazy Quilt Quilt
5ft. x 4 1/2 ft.
A re-creation of the mode of scrap quilting instead using actual quilt scraps and reverse seam stitching by hand to create a jagged non-sequential quilt for both use in décor and art as well as practical.
“I cannot bear to let even a scrap of quilt bit go to waste, so collected from all the previous quilt projects I've worked on this past year, this is the Crazy Quilt Quilt, a quilt hand stitched together from other quilt bits. touching on themes of recycling and eclectic taste in patterns and fabric usage. ”
Work by
Anwyn Telford aka. Annie
Painting + Textiles
“I am a multi-disciplinary artist working in both painting as well as textiles and wearable artworks. My work in this years Grad Ex focuses on monsters and the alteration and disruption of the body...” [More]
Celebrate the work of OCAD U’s class of 2022/2023!